‘I love words’ - August 2023 newsletter
About a gazillion years ago, I last sent out an email newsletter to an exclusive (it sounds better than ‘small’) number of subscribers. I stopped sending out newsletters as I got too busy to put the effort in to make it worth you reading.
But I miss sending them out, and there’s a chance one or two of you might miss reading them, so I’ve decided to get it going again.
The rejuvenated I love words will launch properly next month, but I’m sending you this ‘teaser’ to whet your appetite and answer a few questions you may or may not have.
Hang on, who are you?
That’s a fair question. After all, you could have signed up for this a long time ago and never got an email from me, so you’d be forgiven for not recognising my name in your inbox. I’m Jonathan. I’m a freelance writer and charity fundraiser. This newsletter is where I share my thoughts on writing and the charity world, recommendations of cultural or fundraising things you might enjoy, and other bits of news that may be of interest to you.
Didn’t this newsletter have a different name before?
Yes, it used to be called Words about Words. I’ve changed it because:
a) I love words ties in with the branding I’ve used elsewhere
b) changing the name feels like an opportunity to change the newsletter style a bit
and c) I kept seeing other websites or articles using the ‘words about words’ title.
What have you been up to?
In the gazillion years since the last edition of Words about Words, I’ve been working with some of my favourite charities to raise money to help families with life-threatened and life-limited children, people with cancer, disabled people, people with brain injuries or neurological conditions, and theatre makers creating plays accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people.
I’ve also written a book.
What’s the book about?
With Vicki Main, I’ve co-authored The Momentum Mindset: How to Overcome Your Inertia and Achieve an Incredible Life!
In the book, we share practical tools, strategies, and insights to help anyone, regardless of their circumstances, cultivate a winning mindset and take bold steps towards a more fulfilling life. With expert guidance, you can break free from limiting beliefs, fears, and self-doubt, and tap into your intrinsic motivators to build momentum and take inspired action towards living an incredible life.
Where can I buy The Momemtum Mindset?
Head over to govlm.com to get your copy today: LINK
Can I read an extract before I buy it?
Go on then. I’ll treat you. Here’s three snippets for your delectation:
How to overcome your inertia and get unstuck: LINK
Vicki and Jonathan’s razor: LINK
Radical incrementalism: LINK
Got anything else coming up?
Alongside Vicki, I’m co-hosting two events related to The Momentum Mindset that you are most welcome to attend:
‘How to self-publish a book’ - online masterclass, 18/09/23, £FREE: LINK
‘The Momentum Mindset’ - in-person masterclass at the Island Sailing Club, Cowes, 20/09/23, from £49: LINK
‘The Momentum Mindset’ - in-person workshop at The Design Chapel, Southampton, 22/09/23, from £20: LINK
Aren’t newsletters supposed to be shorter than this?
If you google ‘optimum email newsletter length’ you’ll get results telling you to aim for about 200 words. Apparently, any more than that and people will lose concentration.
I reckon you’ve got better attention skills than the average person, so I’m not too fussed about going longer providing the content is still worth reading. If you’ve got this far, thank you for proving me correct. If you’ve already gotten bored and stopped reading, then I, er, dunno…
When’s the next one of these being sent out?
I’m planning on sticking to my original schedule of monthly, sent on the last Thursday of each month.
Thanks for the update
No, thank you for reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and look forward to the next edition of I love words, coming in a month’s time.
Jonathan :-)
ps… this is a slightly edited version of the email that subscribers receive. You can sign up using the box at the bottom of this webpage, or by following me on Substack: LINK