Why the ‘S’?

You may have noticed that this website is jonathansbean.com with a middle initial ‘S’ between my first and last names. You may even have wondered - especially if you’re someone who knows me - why I’m using the initial here when I don’t use it at any other time?

The answer is pretty simple…

Because there are a surprisingly* large number of Jonathan Beans out there and I wanted to make it easy for people to find me, rather than one of the other ones.

By including the initial, I should pop up near the top of search results and I was able to have consistent names across my web address, Twitter and Instagram.

‘Hang on’, you might say, ‘How do I know which Jonathan Bean you are?’

Let me help you.

I am not any of the following Jonathan Beans:

Nope, I am none of the above - though I’m sure they’re all great guys and it would be fun to meet them.

Instead, I am the Jonathan Bean who grew up on the Isle of Wight; lives in Southampton; went to Leicester, La Trobe, and Southampton universities; worked at the Jubilee Sailing Trust and Wetwheels; reads, doodles, grows veg, runs, loves the sea, enjoys gigs and art and eating out; creates the content for lonelygoat.com; and is now offering his services as a freelance writer and charity fundraiser to you, dear reader.

If you want asset management advice, a cricketer, or a microstructural kineticist, I’m not your man.

If you want high quality writing for your charity or business, then get in touch and let’s see how we can work together.


PS: The ‘S’ stands for Simon. It’s my dad’s name.


*Surprising to me, at least. I suppose with 7 billion people on the planet, there’s bound to be a few of us with the same name.


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