What I’m missing so far

My wife, Heather, and I are both able to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic. We appreciate that in many ways this is a privileged position as so many people are either having to work in situations that are putting themselves at risk, or worried about not being able to work at all.

That said, the disruption to the norm is still difficult to deal with. For us, a large part of this is because we’re able to work, but not necessarily able to enjoy the fun stuff that would ordinarily balance out the time spent working.

I was thinking about all the things I’ve found myself missing - some of which have been a surprise to me - and decided to jot them down here. Then, when this is all done, I’ll try and work through the list.

It’s naturally Southampton-centric, and there will be things I’ve missed, but here, in no particular order, are some of the things I’m missing during this lockdown:

  • Friends and family: We get to speak through the internet, but how great would a hug be right now?

  • Cafés: In particular, The Art House, No. 329 Coffee House, Coffee Lab and Mettricks. I also want to visit those cafés I’ve not been in before.

  • The sea: Getting in it, trying to surf on it, sailing, just being near it.

  • Travel: UK trips to London for culture and Bristol for friends and family. I’ve been craving a return to Morocco, Spain and Portugal, too.

  • The Isle of Wight: This could have been in the ‘travel’ section, and overlaps with ‘friends and family’ and ‘the sea’, but it deserves it’s own heading. I miss friends, family, and the physical geography of the Island itself.

  • Live music: Big gigs are great, but I really want to get hot and sweaty in The Joiners. I also want to get to a nightclub or a festival and dance until the sun comes back up.

  • My training group: I am a member of Southampton Athletic Club and train with Noel O’Dowd’s coaching group at the athletics track on a Tuesday. Or at least, I used to. I can’t wait to get back to the track and run with other people again.

  • Cream teas: Both Heather and I have done a bit of baking the past few weeks (Heather more than me), but I really, really want to go to Setley Ridge in the New Forest and sit in the sun enjoying a massive scone and loads of clotted cream and jam, with a pot of tea. Yes, I could recreate this at home, but it’s not the same.

  • Eating out: This might just be my top hobby, so I’m missing going to restaurants a lot. I would like to get back to Kali Mirchi, Mango Thai, Lakaz Maman, The Social (their roast dinners are incredible!), and visit places I haven’t been to yet.

  • Record shops: Flicking through the racks of records at Vinilo or any record store, in any town.

  • Book shops: Looking through the shelves or books at October Books or any book shop, in any town.

  • Not feeling this underlying sense of uncertainty: I’m sure we are all craving the clear headspace that a resolution to this situation will bring.

There are also some things I’ve enjoyed during the lockdown that are either new to me, or that I have returned to, that I would like to carry on into ‘normal’ life:

  • Speaking to friends and family more.

  • Baking and eating cakes at home.

  • Yoga.

  • Walks with Heather at dusk.

If I remember, I might return to this blog post in the future and see whether I did do any of these things in the post-lockdown world.

How about you? What are you missing, and what have you enjoyed that’s new?

I don’t have a comments section on this site, so feel free to play along in your own head. If you would really like to, feel free to let me know by emailing or getting in touch via social media (links at the bottom of the page).

I hope you have a lovely weekend.


Words about Words - April 2020


Surfers Against Sewage getting it right